If you are taking a strategic business decision or planning a major project, expert advice on commercial finance can be crucial.
We can help by identifying the relevant options, highlighting any benefits or potential pitfalls, manage your project timetable and provide planning support that will help you avoid any unnecessary expense.
Areas we can advise and assist you with include:
- Selling your business
- Raising finance
- Making an acquisition
- Establishing tax efficient business structures
- Company mergers
- Assisting with vendor and purchaser due diligence
- Going public
Assistance from our partner organisations
You may require the services of a bank or venture capitalist if you're raising finance, a stockbroker if you are going public or a law firm to deal with the legal issues. We have strong relationships with local experts and will be delighted to make whatever introductions you require.
The next step
If you feel you would benefit from corporate finance advice and would like to discuss the services we can provide for your business, please call Paul Newbold on 0191 567 8611 or email paul.newbold@torgersens.com.